Teflin - Conaplin 2024

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Teflin - Conaplin 2024

About the Event

Call for Presentations

We are thrilled to invite you to participate in the 70th TEFLIN – 17th CONAPLIN
International Conference
 Theme: "Diverse Voices: Navigating World Englishes in Language Pedagogy and Language Policy"
October 23rd–25th, 2024

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
West Java, Indonesia

This conference is organized by the Language Center, English Language Education Study Program, English Language and Literature Study Program, and Linguistics Study Program at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), in collaboration with TEFLIN.

  Types of Presentation

Parallel Presentations
Poster Presentations

  Conference Fee

Note: Click here if you are interested in becoming a TEFLIN member. should you have any questions or query, you can send email to


Teflin - Conaplin 2024


  1. EFL Pedagogy
  2. Online Learning Environments
  3. Emerging Technologies
  4. Global Communication Platforms
  5. Language Policy and Planning
  6. Assessment and Testing
  7. Teacher Training and Professional Development
  8. Sociolinguistic
  9. Materials Development
  10. Linguistic Development


Teflin - Conaplin 2024


Keynote Speaker(s)

Alastair Pennycook
University of Technology Sydney

Plenary Speaker(s)

Roby Marlina
Tariq Elyas
King Abdulaziz University
Emi Emilia
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Dina Mehmedbegovic-Smith
University College London
Teflin - Conaplin 2024

Important Dates

Mark your calendars for the important dates in our upcoming international conference! From submission deadlines to registration periods, this section provides a comprehensive timeline to ensure you do not miss any crucial event.

  • 1 January - 10 May 2024

    Call for Presentation (Abstract)

  • 10 May 2024

    Deadline for Abstract Submission

  • 29-31 May 2024

    Announcement for Abstract Acceptance

  • 16 July 2024

    Deadline for Full Paper Submission

  • 16 June 2024

    Early Bird Payment Deadline

  • 15 July 2024

    Conference Payment Deadline

  • 23-25 October 2024

    Conference Days